Parish Ministries

Community Spirit Committee
Mission Statement
"To provide opportunities to the Parishioners of Saint Eugene to engage as full members of the Parish. Provide help and support to the Parish through participation in activities that promote community."
Host monthly fellowship hour following the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Our primary goal is to welcome new parishioners and provide an opportunity for Parishioners to be together—learning and sharing with one another in friendship—after gathering at the Lord’s Table

There is currently no leader(s), would you be interested to start up a ministry or a group in the community? Contact the Parish Office for more information, including requirements such a training.

Community Garden
Our mission is to organically grow fresh produce for the Wendell United Methodist Church food pantry, which is part of the NC Food Bank. Volunteers plant and harvest the produce as well as maintain the garden area and work on special projects to enhance the garden.

Ed Sanderford
Please feel free to contact:
To Sign Up, please click the link below:

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus Council at Saint Eugene still sponsors a program called "A Can-A-Week"
The purpose of this program is to collect and distribute non-perishable food items to local area food banks on a regular basis. Cardboard barrels are placed in strategic locations throughout the parish campus and families are asked to donate 1 food item or items regularly.
Thank you for your very generous donations!
Please click HERE to access our Knights of Columbus Website.

Timothy Sullivan
Please feel free to contact:
(904) 304-3707;
or to email at

Respect Life
Word of Life ~ “He is always with us. Jesus promised this when he gave the disciples the same mission he gives to each of us: Go. … Walk with each other. Do not be afraid to embrace God’s gift of life. Whatever storms or trials we face, we are not alone.
He is with us.”
When Choosing Life, know that help is available –
Birth-choice can help: Call 919 781-5433 - 2304 Wesvill Ct., Suite 340, Raleigh, NC 27607 - near Rex Hospital in Raleigh.
In His Hands can help: Call 919 989-9897 -13 Dail St., Smithfield, NC – Off Brightleaf Blvd in Smithfield
Project Rachel Post Abortion Healing: (919) 852-1021 or email projectrachel@nc.rr.com

Cindy Yauger
Please feel free to contact:
(919) 623 - 9933;
Para conocer las últimas noticias y actividades de Vida humana y dignidad en nuestra Diócesis, visite:

Peer Ministry/Life Teen
1. Continue to provide a safe nurturing environment for the parish high school youth to be able to grow in their faith and establish healthy relationships with their peers.
2. Encourage continued participation in Diocesan activities—Search, Connections, Convention, and Disciples on the Journey, in addition to various service and community projects.
3. Actively recruit qualified, dedicated leaders to take over the program for the next school year, and encourage parents to become more actively involved. Please watch this spot for more information on when our sessions will start.

There is currently no leader(s), would you be interested to start up a ministry or a group in the community? Contact the Parish Office for more information, including requirements such a training.

The Prayer Blanket Ministry
We are dedicated to the sick of our parish family through the prayerful construction of blankets, shawls, and rosaries. All blankets and shawls are donated and accompanied by a bi-lingual packet of prayers, rosary, and religious medals. We also gladly accept donations as each blanket costs between $15 & $20 to make and we make an average of 4 to 6 fleece blankets a month.
To pick up a blanket or shawl, please contact one of our priests or Gail during office hours. Please contact Sue Broderick if you need a blanket, or have any questions about the ministry.
We welcome you to join our Ministry and invite you to our meetings on the first and third Fridays of the month at 10 am. Please see the bulletin for times/dates as the schedule is subject to change in case of holidays.

Sue Broderick
Please feel free to contact
(919) 365 - 3479

Brown Bag Ministry
This parish grown ministry needs your help!
Hunger is growing…
We provide almost 1000 lunches each week, straining our resources.
Would you consider being a sponsor?
$125 will purchase meat to make sandwiches for 1 week.
$100 will purchase peanut butter crackers for 1 week.
$60 will purchase cheese to make sandwiches for 1 week.
$40 will purchase a snack item for 1 week.
Volunteers are needed Saturdays at 9am.
Due to attendance restrictions you must sign up; visit https://signup.com/go/cHahRde
or email BBMofWendell@gmail.com.
Prayers ~ Please pray for our poor and hungry.
Checks may be made out to “Brown Bag Ministry” and are tax deductible. You may drop them in the offertory basket or mail them to St. Eugene, attn: BBM.
Check our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/BBMofWendell
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” (Matthew 25:35)

Ladies Guild
Coming together to share our Time, Talent and Treasure; in service to our Parish, our Community and One Another
The Ladies Guild of Saint Eugene welcomes all ladies of Saint Eugene Catholic Church aged 18 and older. Our mission is to provide a forum to energize the spiritual needs, promote socialization and offer a welcoming environment to all ladies of our parish.
Meetings are held in the Parish Hall at 7:00PM with a social hour at 6:30PM on the Second Thursday of each month from September to May.
We come together for the purpose of:
Recognizing God as the center of all of our activities.
Providing a forum to energize the spiritual needs of all ladies of the Saint Eugene community.
Providing support to bereaved families of Saint Eugene through hosting funeral receptions.
Supporting the requests of the pastor and provide for the needs and/or upkeep of the sacristy, rectory and parish hall.
Promoting socialization among parishioners.
Performing outreach to the less fortunate of our society.
If you would like to make a difference in our parish, we look forward to welcoming you at our monthly meetings.

Lynn Haddad & Toni Buchanan
Please feel free to contact:
Lynn: (518) 526-5966
Toni: (251) 264-7878
or email at:

Ministry of the Holy Rosary
Únete a nosotros cada domingo a las 11:15 am para rezar El Santo Rosario.
"Un hombre no es un verdadero cristiano si no tiene devoción a la madre de Jesucristo, la Santísima Virgen María"
~ St. John Eudes

Miguel Villapando
Por favor llame a:
(919) 986 - 9253